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Technical Description

The e-regulations system is an information system comprising of

  • an SQL server database (scripts, structure, stored procedures)
  • programming code developed in dotnet language
  • graphic designs

Two different interfaces are made available to user organizations/countries, an administrative "private" interface and an extranet "public" interface.

Administration interface

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  • Authorized users can register, modify and publish data through a web interface
  • User rights and passwords can be defined at different levels; some users have the right to enter and modify the data, others have the right to review the information and validate it, others have the right to publish it
  • Administrators can choose that the data be registered in one or in more languages
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  • Administrators can define the investment objectives and sub-objectives for which procedures will be registered in the system (ex. Create a company, equity investment, buy real estate, etc.)
  • For each investment objective, authorised users can create, modify and publish as many steps as necessary to describe the investment procedures
  • For each step, the following elements can be registered:
  1. Name of the step
  2. Result of the step
  3. Context
  4. Administrative entity in charge (entity, department, head, phone, e-mail, website, address)
  5. Requirements and conditions
  6. Request or declaration format
  7. Duration
  8. Cost (all taxes and fees involved)
  9. Ways of complaint/recourse
  10. Legal source
  11. Certifying entity
  • Binary files (text and image files) can be attached to all elements
  • Administrators can configure the search system which will guide visitors' consultation through the extranet.
  • Access to the administration interface is possible only through Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or above

Extranet ("public site")

  • The "public" extranet site is accessible through any third generation browser.
  • Visitors can choose to consult the system in any of the languages defined by system administrators (and for which data has been registered in the corresponding language).
  • Consultations are made through a search system ("simple search") presenting the objectives and sub-objectives as defined by system's administrators.
  • For each chosen objective/sub-objective, the site displays a list of the necessary administrative steps.
  • For each step, the system displays the elements registered and published through the administration interface and all related attachments.
  • For each investment objective, users can print out a list of steps with the content of each step.